41-04-04 Dinner Invitation Withdrawn (gdg)

"Not a spot on it; clean as a horse."

41-03-31 Rush Wants His Interest (gdg)

"Mom wouldn't let me anymore tell that story than a rabbit." (Rush)

41-03-27 Hank's Weather Service (gdg)

"Tittered like a horse."
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"One of those things that commonly prompt you to send your undershirt to Detroit, Michigan parcel post."

41-03-25 Muddled Shopping Money (gdg)

"But sittin' here just now, a couple of items popped into my noodle and I'm confused as a horse."

41-03-04 Vic Wins Broad Brimmed Hat (gdg)

"This afternoon, my paste boards are as rotten as a horse." (Rush)
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"You're lookin' at me like I just stole a horse." (Vic)
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"You act as guilty as the bullet that choked Billy Patterson."

41-02-24 Uncle Fletcher To Meet 1 AM Train (gdg)

"Years ago, they put more lacework on these cards than a horse." (Uncle Fletcher)

41-02-16 Manual for Wives of Sky Brothers (gdg)

"Well if they're in their right minds, I'll send my undershirt to Detroit, Michigan parcel post."